Outstanding gross external debt

Published: 1/2/2015 Modified: 30/9/2024

The tables of outstanding gross external debt show the position of all debt liabilities of residents to non-residents on a particular day and projected future payments of gross external debt by domestic sectors. The tables of gross external debt are structured according to domestic sectors, so that the tables of public sector gross external debt, publicly guaranteed private sector and non-publicly guaranteed private sector and other domestic sectors are presented separately.

Release of statistical data on the balance of payments, gross external debt position and international investment position for the second quarter of 2024.

Methodology - outstanding gross external debt

Published: 19/1/2016 Modified: 29/4/2022

Table H12 Gross external debt by domestic sectors

Gross external debt is defined as the external debt liabilities of residents on the basis of debt securities issued in the foreign markets (at nominal value), deposits of non-residents, credits (repo agreements included) and trade credits regardless of their contractual maturity and, from December 2005 on, non-resident investment in debt securities issued in the domestic market.

External debt is shown by domestic sectors, i.e. by debtor sectors, which implies the sector classification of residents according to ESA 2010 and SNA 2008 manuals, i.e. the official Sector Classification of Institutional Units maintained by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. The general government sector includes units classified as central government, social security funds and local government and the external debt of companies included in general government debt according to methodological criteria. The sector of the central bank shows the debt of the Croatian National Bank. The sector of other monetary financial institutions shows the debt of credit institutions and money market funds. Item Other sectors shows the debt of all financial corporations except monetary financial institutions, private and public non-financial corporations, non-profit institutions serving households and households, including employers and self-employed persons. Item Direct investment shows borrower – lender transactions of other sectors that are interrelated by ownership, according to the directional principle. Each sector data (except direct investment) are further shown by contractual (short-term or long-term) maturity and by debt instrument. From the beginning of 2004, instruments included in item Currency and deposits (other monetary institutions) are reported in accordance with their maturity. Data for the previous periods are reported only on a long-term basis. Outstanding gross external debt includes future principal payments, accrued interest and principal and interest arrears. Outstanding debt data are shown at the CNB’s midpoint exchange rate at the end of the period. Data are considered preliminary until after publication of the final BOP data for the reporting quarter.

Table H13 Public sector gross external debt and publicly guaranteed and non-publicly guaranteed private sector gross external debt 

Gross external debt is defined as the external debt liabilities of residents on the basis of debt securities issued in the foreign markets (at nominal value), deposits of non-residents, credits (repo agreements included) and trade credits regardless of their contractual maturity and, from December 2005 on, non-resident investment in debt securities issued in the domestic market.

This table shows gross external debt structured with regard to the role of the public sector. Public sector includes the general government, the central bank, public financial corporations, and public non-financial corporations as well as the debt of private companies meeting methodological criteria according to the definition of general government debt. Publicly guaranteed private sector gross external debt is defined as the external debt liabilities of entities not covered by the definition of the public sector, the servicing of which is guaranteed by an entity from the public sector. Non-publicly guaranteed private sector gross external debt is defined as the external debt liabilities of entities not covered by the definition of the public sector, the servicing of which is not guaranteed by the public sector.

Each sector data are further shown by contractual (short-term or long-term) maturity and by debt instrument. From the beginning of 2004, instruments included in item Currency and deposits are reported in accordance with their maturity. Data for the previous periods are reported only on a long-term basis. Outstanding gross external debt includes future principal payments, accrued interest and principal and interest arrears. Outstanding debt data are shown at the CNB’s midpoint exchange rate at the end of the period. Data are considered preliminary until after publication of the final BOP data for the reporting quarter.

Table H14 Gross external debt by domestic sectors and projected future payments 

The table shows outstanding gross external debt, projected gross debt payments and estimated interest payments according to the CNB’s midpoint exchange rate at the end of the period.

Gross external debt is defined as the external debt liabilities of residents on the basis of debt securities issued in the foreign markets (at nominal value), deposits of non-residents, credits (repo agreements included) and trade credits regardless of their contractual maturity and, from December 2005 on, non-resident investment in debt securities issued in the domestic market.

External debt is shown by domestic sectors, i.e. by debtor sectors, which implies the sector classification of residents according to ESA 2010 and SNA 2008 manuals, i.e. the official Sector Classification of Institutional Units maintained by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics. The general government sector includes units classified as central government, social security funds and local government and the external debt of companies included in general government debt according to methodological criteria. The sector of the central bank shows the debt of the Croatian National Bank. The sector of other monetary financial institutions shows the debt of credit institutions and money market funds. Item Other sectors shows the debt of all financial corporations except monetary financial institutions, private and public non-financial corporations, non-profit institutions serving households and households, including employers and self-employed persons. Item Direct investment shows borrower – lender transactions of other sectors that are interrelated by ownership, according to the directional principle. Each sector data (except direct investment) are further shown by contractual (short-term or long-term) maturity and by debt instrument. Outstanding gross external debt includes future principal payments, accrued interest and principal and interest arrears (principal and interest arrears are shown separately in column "Immediate/Arrears"). Outstanding debt data are shown at the CNB’s midpoint exchange rate at the end of the period.

Future principal and interest payments of monetary financial institutions are estimated on the basis of the available monetary statistics data on balances on remaining maturity and the schedule of interest payments. Future principal and interest payments of other sectors are estimated on the basis of the submitted debt-service payment schedule and the benchmark interest rate applicable on the reporting date. Projected payments of accrued interest, which are an integral part of the gross external debt, increase the projected principal payments in the period when the first instalment of interest falls due and, consequently, decrease the projected first interest payments. Projected payments for the first quarter, or the first year, include the period from the reporting date until the end of the first quarter or the first year.

Table H15 Gross external debt by other sectors

Gross external debt of other sectors shows the external debt of all financial institutions except monetary financial institutions, public non-financial corporations, private non-financial corporations, non-profit institutions serving households and households, including employers and self-employed persons.  Each sector data are further shown by contractual (short-term or long-term) maturity and by debt instrument.

Gross external debt is defined as the external debt liabilities of residents on the basis of debt securities issued in the foreign markets (at nominal value), deposits of non-residents, credits (repo agreements included) and trade credits regardless of their contractual maturity and, from December 2005 on, non-resident investment in debt securities issued in the domestic market. Outstanding gross external debt includes future principal payments, accrued interest and principal and interest arrears. Outstanding debt data are shown at the CNB’s midpoint exchange rate at the end of the period. Data are considered preliminary until after publication of the final BOP data for the reporting quarter.