Čast mi je i posebno zadovoljstvo što danas možemo predstaviti srebrni kovani novac posvećen Ivanu Meštroviću, u zajedničkom izdanju Central Bank & Financial Services Authority of Ireland i Hrvatske narodne banke.
To je jedan od rijetkih primjera zajedničkog izdanja prigodnog novca od strane središnjih banaka dviju ili više država, i prvi takav slučaj u Hrvatskoj.
Povod i osnova tog izdanja je osamdeseta godišnjica autorovog djela "Djevojka s harfom" koje je, kao motiv za kovanicu, Ivan Meštrović tada darovao Slobodnoj Državi Irskoj, a koja je od 1965. godine i na službenom pečatu irske središnje banke.
Na taj izvorni povod nadovezuju se bliski aktualni odnosi između Irske i Hrvatske koji proizlaze iz sličnosti naših geopolitičkih položaja u danim povijesnim okolnostima, sličnosti svjetonazora, sustava vrijednosti i ciljeva kojima obje zemlje teže. Sve to odražava se i u podršci koju Irska pruža našoj zemlji na putu u EU.
Ta podrška vidi se i u suradnji HNB-a sa Središnjom bankom Irske, koja nam je velikodušno prenosila svoja iskustva i pružala stručnu pomoć u različitim projektima, uključujući i sustav velikih plaćanja.
Ali, vratimo se samoj kovanici.
Ne mogu a da ovom prilikom ne istaknem umjetnički rad kipara Damira Mataušića koji je autor naličja i ukupnog dizajna ove kovanice i u hrvatskoj i u irskoj verziji, kao i visoku tehnološku razinu Hrvatskog novčarskog zavoda koji ju je proizveo.
Jednako tako ne mogu a da ne istaknem svu simboliku izdanja zajedničkog prigodnog novca od strane jedne članice Europske unije i Hrvatske koja teži da to postane. Koliko god da je ta simbolika rezultat spleta okolnosti i ne treba joj pridavati značaj koji objektivno nema, ona je ipak prepoznatljiv dio jednog procesa. U tom kontekstu, da parafraziram jednu poznatu izjavu, ovo je mali korak za Europsku uniju, ali veliki za Hrvatsku.
Ali više od svega toga, želim istaknuti trajnu inspiraciju koju nalazimo u životu i djelu Ivana Meštrovića. Velikog umjetnika i velikog čovjeka iz malog naroda. Čovjeka koji je svojim talentom, imaginacijom, vještinom, a napose snagom volje i marljivošću rada srušio granice i otvorio si vrata cijelog svijeta. Dajući mu ljepotu svoje umjetnosti.
Svijet je to prepoznao, prihvatio i odužio se, a potvrđujući staro pravilo - da bi mogao od svijeta išta dobiti, moraš mu nešto i ponuditi.
Toga moramo biti duboko svjesni, sada kad si nastojimo otvoriti vrata Europske unije.
Kad u tome uspijemo, kada ovaj prigodni novac dobije svoj ekvivalent u službenom novcu, jedinom legalnom sredstvu plaćanja, tada taj novac više nećemo moći samostalno kovati niti štampati, nećemo ga moći kupiti, a pogotovo nam ga nitko neće pokloniti. Moći ćemo ga jedino zaraditi. U konkurenciji sa svima ostalima koji žele isto.
Zato naš put prema Europskoj uniji ne znači samo preuzeti standarde, uskladiti zakonodavstvo i izgraditi institucije. Znači, prije svega, osposobiti gospodarstvo da trajno zarađuje eure. Zarađuje, a ne posuđuje. Znanjem, inovativnošću, organizacijom.
Primjer Irske odličan je pokazatelj kako se to radi. Možemo i moramo još mnogo od njih naučiti. I to brzo, jer nikako nije svejedno s kakvim ćemo ekonomskim performansama ući u Europsku uniju. Što su one čvršće i stabilnije, to su nam i početne šanse veće.
Na kraju, dopustite mi još jednu opasku. Nominalna vrijednost irske verzije kovanice je 15 eura, a hrvatske 150 kuna. Znači, ako biste ih željeli hipotetski zamijeniti, učinili bi to po tečaju 10 kuna za euro. HNB vas uvjerava da se sa službenim novcem to neće dogoditi.
Governor, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,
At the outset, I have a confession to make: I am actually not the Irish honorary consul to Croatia. Ireland's interests in that regard are much more ably represented by your former Governor and first Ambassador to Ireland, Dr. Čičin Šajn and now Mr Tedeschi. Furthermore, the important Irish central banker here today is Mr Louis O'Byrne.
However, I do claim part of the credit for today's event as it was a happy coincidence that while honorary consul in Dublin I was also a Director of our central bank which ideally placed me in a position to do something to promote this project. Many others deserve much more credit. The two Governors and staffs of both banks are to be congratulated on a job very well done. Your embassy in Dublin worked ceaselessly on the project; I see your then Ambassador in Dublin Dr. Prelog here today. Your Deputy Ambassador Antun Babić and your new Ambassador Mr Grubišić must all be thanked.
Having told you, I suppose, what I was not, I should tell you what I am and that is really a failed historian. Which is why, finding myself with such a distinguished and captive audience I intend to inflict a small bit of history on you.
For centuries, indeed millennia, coins were the veins and arteries of financial transactions. Whether because of their availability or reliability or durability, certain coins became unofficial but vital units of international currency, even before the concept as we know it even existed. One need only remember the Maria Theresa, the silver thaler issued by the Hapsburg Empire of which of course Croatia was then a part and which is still in circulation in parts of Africa and the Middle East. Indeed, the 1780 Maria Theresa is still minted.
However, the issuing of coins in recent times has become the prerogative of sovereign states and central banks.
But, as far as I am aware, two independent central banks established by two separate sovereign states in neither an economic or political union (at least as yet) have ever jointly issued coins in two different currencies but with a virtually common design and essentially reflecting the warm friendship and close relations between the two states.
The issuing of these coins is a unique, I believe, and historic numismatic event.
But, it is also a project with a significance far beyond the actual issuing of two coins no matter how attractive they appear and how well designed and presented they are.
For a start, it brings together two of the greatest artists of our two countries.
It was a great honour for the new Irish state that, when it came to issue its first currency, the great Croatian sculptor Ivan Meštrović saw fit to submit a design.
It was unfortunate that, through no fault of Ivan Meštrović, his design arrived too late. It was very fortunate, however, that the great Irish poet William Butler Yeats saw the design, recognised its artistic brilliance and communicated with Meštrović resulting in the design being given to the Irish state and, ultimately, the Central Bank of Ireland.
For many years, Irish culture has had an appeal in Croatia second to nowhere outside Ireland and our own diaspora. With ever increasing numbers of Irish people visiting Croatia, your culture is becoming ever more known and appreciated in Ireland. These coins will always remain as symbols of the constantly growing cultural links and connections between our two countries.
Of course, coins are ultimately vehicles of finance and commerce.
While Ireland no longer issues the coins which Ivan Meštrović had once hoped to design, it is because we are now a very successful member of the European Union and the euro system.
The decision as to whether or not we should join the EEC as it then was, was hotly debated in Ireland before our entry in 1972. Many of the arguments then made against our joining are heard today in your debate on the issue.
All any Irish person can say is that, while many of the developments we feared would happen if we joined did come to pass, it is now clear that they would have come to pass anyway. In Ireland, however, having accepted the brief pain, our greatest expectations regarding the benefits of membership were more than exceeded.
Ironically, in Croatia you have already suffered much of the pain. Unfortunately, until you join you will be denied the benefits. The other fear people had in Ireland was that we would lose our identity in the European Community. We feared that a small country like Ireland would simply be swallowed up. After all, we thought, having fought for so long for political independence, why voluntarily compromise it?
Again, however, the reality of membership confounded the sceptics. Europe has given Ireland a real place at the top table. It has in fact allowed us to assert our identity. We are now a much more confident country than anyone would have predicted only thirty years ago. As a long-time friend of Croatia, I can assure you the same will happen in your case.
Located as it is in the centre of Europe, Croatia needs to be at the heart of the European Union just as the European Union needs it to be there. As the Governor said, Ireland has been, is and will remain a strong and enthusiastic supporter of Croatia's right to progress to full membership of the European Union. In this regard, the extremely warm personal relationship between our two prime ministers, Dr. Sanader and Mr. Ahern, reflects the very close friendship between our two peoples and countries and has greatly enhanced the co-operation and the commitment to mutual support which exists between us.
I can say that, while the decision of the two Prime Ministers to force the pace with this coin project may well have caused headaches for many of the bankers and diplomats involved, it is a tribute to both of them that the project has now come to such excellent and wonderful fruition.
Governor Rohatinski, Minister, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dobar dan,
I am delighted to have been invited to the launch today of the commemorative coin in honour of the work of Ivan Meštrović. The coin design has a special meaning for both Ireland and Croatia. Eighty years ago, Meštrović was invited to submit a design for the first coins of the Irish Free State. The Irish Free State formerly came into existence in 1922. The country is now known as Ireland, of course.
W.B. Yeats, the world-renowned Irish poet also happened to be the chairman of the design committee for the design of the new coins of the Irish state. He had met Meštrović many years before and was very impressed by his work. It was on his personal recommendation that the government of the Irish Free State invited Meštrović as one of five designers to participate in the competition to choose the design of the new coins. Unfortunately, the invitation was sent to the wrong address and by the time Meštrović submitted his proposal it was too late. The deadline for the consideration of all proposals had passed. Very generously, he then donated his design to the Irish Free State.
The Central Bank of Ireland and the Croatian National Bank have worked closely together on this project. I would like to thank all involved for their involvement in taking this opportunity to promote and strengthen the already strong cultural links between Ireland and Croatia.
Hvala lijepa!
Poštovane dame i gospodo, cijenjeni uzvanici na početku mi dozvolite da vas pozdravim u ime Vlade Republike Hrvatske i premijera Republike Hrvatske dr. Ive Sanadera, čiji sam izaslanik na ovoj svečanosti.
Velika mi je čast i zadovoljstvo biti ovdje s vama na predstavljanju kovanice s motivom djela Ivana Meštrovića "Djevojka s harfom" kao zajedničkog projekta Hrvatske narodne banke i Središnje banke Irske. Irska, kao prijateljska država s kojom Republika Hrvatska nema otvorenih niti neriješenih pitanja, oduvijek je bila svojevrsni model i uzor u kreiranju pravca prema kojem bismo trebali usmjeravati hrvatsko gospodarstvo. Model ekonomskog razvoja Irske s kojim je irsko gospodarstvo postalo jedno od europskih gospodarstava s najvišim stopama rasta svakako predstavlja nešto što je iznimno vrijedno našeg proučavanja i iskorištavanja svih njegovih dobrih strana. Osobito kada govorimo o odnosu prema stranim ulaganjima, otvorenosti ekonomije, orijentaciji na europska tržišta, edukaciji radne snage i o provedenim reformama javnih poduzeća i javnih sektora općenito.
Gospodarska suradnja Republike Hrvatske i Irske svojom ukupnošću još uvijek ne zadovoljava i nedovoljno prati dostignutu razinu političkih odnosa. Hrvatsku i irsku gospodarsku suradnju karakterizira visok hrvatski trgovinski deficit, ukupna trgovinska razmjena između Republike Hrvatske i Irske u prvih devet mjeseci 2006. godine iznosila je svega 142 milijuna dolara. Ukupna irska izravna ulaganja u Republici Hrvatskoj do današnjeg dana su na nivou od 44 milijuna dolara, što Irsku svrstava na 18. mjesto među vodećim ulagačima u Hrvatsku.
Istaknuo bih prije svega moguća irska ulaganja u izvozno orijentiranu proizvodnju, informatičku tehnologiju, turizam i zdravstvo. Također, mogući transfera irskih iskustava u razvoj malog i srednjeg poduzetništva te suradnju na području obrazovanja i istraživanja za potrebe gospodarskog razvoja.
Želim istaknuti da Irska kontinuirano podržava Republiku Hrvatsku na njezinom putu u članstvo u Europskoj uniji i na tome doista od srca zahvaljujem. Ta je potpora osobito došla do izražaja u vrijeme irskog predsjedanja Europskom unijom kada je Republika Hrvatska i dobila službeno status kandidata. Uz takvu političku potporu Irska i Republika Hrvatska ostvaruju i konkretnu suradnju na tom planu. Prvenstveno u smislu tehničke pomoći Irske i usluga konzultanata za potrebe Republike Hrvatske. Irska je u novije vrijeme izrazila i spremnost organiziranja i studijskih posjeta i izobrazbe osobito na području državne uprave, pravosuđa, malog i srednjeg poduzetništva te se i ovom prilikom i na tome od srca zahvaljujem. I ovaj projekt zajedničkog izdavanja kovanica s motivom Ivana Meštrovića jedan je element mozaika odnosa Republike Hrvatske i Irske. On ukazuje da smo sposobni jednu dobru inicijativu i zamisao o međusobnoj suradnji realizirati tako da obje strane od toga imaju korist. Poštovana gđo. O'Keeffe, poštovani g. Danaher i poštovani g. Rohatinski u ime Vlade Republike Hrvatske čestitam vam na uspješnoj provedbi jedne sjajne ideje koja potvrđuje našu više nego dobru političku i gospodarsku suradnju i koja slavi veličinu djela jednog od najvećih Hrvata - Ivana Meštrovića.