Tell me

What does entering into close cooperation with the ECB mean for the supervision of Croatian banks?

Why has Croatia established close cooperation with the European Central Bank?

What are less significant institutions?

What makes a bank a significant institution?

What is the Single Supervisory Mechanism?

Što je bankovna unija?

How does the CNB supervise banks?

Što je supervizija?

O Europskoj središnjoj banci

What is the Single Resolution Mechanism?

What are the benefits of the Single Resolution Mechanism in relation to national resolution mechanisms?

What is the role of the Single Resolution Board (SRB)?

Which credit institutions headquartered in Croatia will the SRB be directly responsible for and what does that imply?

How are decisions taken in the SRB?

What is the role of the Croatian national resolution authority for credit institutions in the Single Resolution Mechanism?

What changes has joining the SRM brought to credit institutions and what to national resolution authorities, i.e. to the Croatian National Bank?

What is the Single Resolution Fund?

Who is responsible for deposit insurance since Croatia joined the SRM?

Who decides on the resolution of credit institutions headquartered in Croatia once Croatia joined the SRM?

What benefits has joining the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) brought Croatia?

What is the role of Internal Resolution Teams?

Pitanja i odgovori o NKSInst platnom sustavu

Sve o naknadama za usluge preračunavanja valuta


What is a payment system?