The tables of trade in international services show revenues and expenditures from trade in international services between Croatian residents and non-residents, which also constitute a component part of the current account balance. The tables are divided into the basic types of services, by years and the countries of trading partners.
- Release calendar
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- Main macroeconomic indicators
Statistical data
Financial sector
- Republic of Croatia contribution to euro area monetary aggregates
- Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
- Central bank (CNB)
- Other monetary financial institutions
- Other financial corporations
- General government sector
- External sector
- Financial accounts
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- Selected non-financial statistics
- Payment systems
- Payment services
- Currency
- Turnover of authorised exchange offices
- Archive
Financial sector
- Regulations
- Information for reporting entities
- Information for users of statistical data
- Use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes
- Statistical surveys
- Experimental statistics
Methodology - trade in international services
Table R1 International trade in services, by country, credit
Table R2 International trade in services, by country, debit
The tables include all services that are collected by the surveys of the Croatian National Bank for the needs of compiling the balance of payments.
Maintenance and repair services (tables P2 and R2), financial services (P7 and R7), telecommunication, computer and information services (P8 and R8), charges for the use of intellectual property (P9 and R9), research and development services (P10 and R10), professional and management consulting services (P11 and R11), technical, trade-related, and other business services (P12 and R12) and other personal, cultural, and recreational services (P13 and R13) are monitored through the statistical survey on revenues and expenditures from trade in international services on the basis of the selected sample of reporting units with the target coverage of the total population of 90%. The sample is updated once a year and data collected by the statistical survey are supplemented by the estimation for the part of the population not covered by the survey. The data about the counterpart country is a standard element of a statistical survey. For the part of the estimated value of services that is the supplement on the full population, the counterpart country is unknown.
Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others (tables P1 and R1) are estimated on the basis of a statistical survey on foreign processing activities. The reporting population comprises institutions engaged in such activities that are selected on the basis of data collected by the survey on revenues and expenditures from trade in international services and data of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) on gross processing values The data about the counterpart country is a standard element of a statistical survey.
Construction services (tables P5 and R5) are collected by a statistical survey on international transactions related to construction services.
Insurance services (tables P6 and R6) are collected by a statistical survey on international transactions related to insurance services.
Statistical surveys on construction services and insurance services cover the population in such a share that no additional adjustment is necessary for the part not covered by the sample. The data about the counterpart country is a standard element of these statistical surveys.
Transport services (tables P3 and R3) are collected on the basis of a special statistical survey on international transport services. Owing to an exceptionally large population of road carriers, revenues and expenditures on the basis of road freight transport are not taken over from that survey but are estimated on the basis of the transport survey carried out by the CBS and using the estimations of the Croatian Road Transport Association.
Expenditures on the basis of these services equal transportation and insurance costs related to imports of goods which belong to non-residents estimated by adjusting the value of imports at c.i.f. parity to the value of imports f.o.b.
The data about the counterpart country has been a standard element of the statistical survey on international transport services since 2013. However, this data is not available for the part of services that are not estimated on the basis of this survey but on the basis of other described sources.
Income from services rendered to foreign travellers and tourists, as well as expenditures incurred by domestic travellers and tourists abroad are shown in tables Travel (P4 and R4), which are collected by the Survey on Consumption of Foreign Travellers in Croatia and Domestic Travellers Abroad. The results of this survey, based on carrying out a survey of travellers (stratified sample) at border crossings, have been combined with the Ministry of the Interior and Central Bureau of Statistics data on the number of foreign and domestic travellers in order to assess the corresponding balance of payments items. For the following period, 2003–2012, the balance of payments data on revenues on the position Travel are not computed using the described standard methodological combination of volume indicators and estimated average consumption from the Survey on Consumption of Foreign Travellers, but for the sake of greater reliability of the estimate for this period on the revenues side an econometric estimation method is applied, developed by the CNB. The indicators of the Ministry of the Interior and the CBS, as well as other relevant variables, are used as input data for this econometric estimate. Finally, for the period from 2013 on, the data on revenues and expenditures on the positions Travel are recalculated as the multiple of the indicators of the number of travellers and the corresponding survey indicators of their average consumption. The Ministry of the Interior data and the results of the CNB's Survey on Consumption of Travellers serve as the main source of data for this calculation.
For this type of services, the structure of revenues and expenditures by country is obtained on the basis of data collected through the Survey on Consumption of Foreign Travellers in Croatia and Domestic Travellers Abroad.