The fundamental organisational structure of the Croatian National Bank (CNB) consists of areas and offices as independent organisational units, within which business processes are organised in such a manner that they form a single business unit.
Depending on the complexity and diversity of business processes and the number of executors in the specific segments of business processes, areas and offices, as CNB’s independent organisational units, can be organised in subordinate organisational units: departments and divisions.
An overview of the business segments by organisational units is provided below.
The Research Area performs the tasks of the analysis of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, the analysis of risks to financial stability and the formulation of macroprudential policy and the tasks of economic research and the preparation of macroeconomic analyses.
The Statistics Area gathers and processes data from the statistical reporting entities of the Bank, compiles and publishes statistical indicators and reports, prepares the analyses and releases for the purposes of domestic and international users, develops statistical methodologies and provides support in developing information systems and the drafting of regulations relating to the official statistics falling under the competence of the Bank.
The Central Banking Operations Area implements the monetary policy and manages the international reserves and foreign exchange liquidity.
The Prudential Regulation and Methodology Area performs the tasks of the preparation of proposals, the monitoring and issuance of opinions and information on the implementation of prudential regulations and crisis management, the supervision of advanced measurement approaches and models and the receiving of prudential reports and prepares system analyses.
The Prudential Supervision Area performs the tasks of exercising supervision of credit institutions and the oversight of credit unions, the licensing of credit institutions and credit unions and exercises the oversight of own funds maintenance for payment institutions and electronic money institutions.
The Expert Supervision and Oversight Area oversees anti-money laundering and countering of the financing of terrorism in connection with entities subject to the Act on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, the implementation of which is overseen by the CNB. It also supervises information systems of credit institutions and oversees information systems of credit unions, electronic money institutions, payment institutions and payment systems.
The Payment Operations Area performs tasks regulating and improving payment operations and ensuring their smooth functioning, thus enabling the safe and efficient functioning of payment operations and payment systems.
The Currency Area ensures sufficient quantities of currency for the needs of credit institutions and the public in the territory of the Republic of Croatia and manages its logistic reserves, processes and destroys currency. The Currency Area plans the necessary quantities of euro banknotes and euro coins in cooperation with the European Central Bank and the European Commission. It collects and analyses data on currency, prepares regulatory bylaws related to currency and carries out the control of entities subject to the application of these bylaws. It also regulates and manages currency supply and performs the tasks of the National Counterfeit Centre, the National Analysis and Coin National Analysis Centre. The Area develops and improves business processes and work technology in relation to the operational functioning of currency operations, cooperates with other central banks and participates in the work of the bodies of the European Central Bank and the European Commission in the currency area.
The International and European Relations Area is responsible for the tasks of European and international relations, in particular of relations with international financial institutions. The Area performs the tasks related to activities and policies of European Union (EU) institutions and the relevant government administration bodies, including the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Croatia to the EU in Brussels, as well as tasks related to activities and policies of international financial institutions, including within the Office of the Executive Director for the Dutch-Belgian Constituency with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the coordination of technical cooperation activities.
The Controlling, Finance and Accounting Area implements a management-oriented controlling concept, which includes strategic and operational controlling, performs the accounting tasks of compiling, control and processing of data on funds, sources of financing, revenues and expenditures of the Croatian National Bank, prepares the financial statements in line with legal regulations in order to provide support to business decision-making and management and to other end users.
The Information Technology Area develops the information system, cooperates with other organisational units in preparing user requests and the analysis of the business needs of business functions, performs the tasks of designing and programming of applications with the application of ISO quality standards, manages the network and operating systems, provides timely user support, ensures the protection and safety of the information system and manages databases, reporting systems and documents, cooperates with institutions in the Republic of Croatia and the EU with regard to the development and improvement of the Bank’s IS.
The Support Services Area is responsible for human resources management, technical and general services, procurement and business protocol.
The Communications Area performs the tasks of external, internal and digital communication, the tasks of preparing, editing and publishing of publications, proofreading and translation and information and documentation tasks.
The Legal Area provides legal assistance to the Bank's management and other organisational units.
The Office of the Governor provides support to holding sessions of the Council of the Croatian National Bank and expert business support to the Governor and Deputy Governor.
The Internal Audit Office performs an ongoing and thorough supervision of Bank operations through assurance audits, inspections and advisory engagements. It supports the Bank in achieving its objectives by bringing a systematic approach to assessing and enhancing the efficiency of the Bank’s risk management, the adequacy and efficiency of the existing systems of internal control and management processes in the Bank.
The Internal Audit Office is responsible for carrying out the tasks set out in the Audit Charter for the Eurosystem/ESCB and the Single Supervisory Mechanism by participating in the work of the International Auditors Committee and by carrying out joint audit engagements of the Eurosystem/ESCB and SSM functions.
The Security Office manages the Bank's security system and defines the methods and techniques to improve the Bank's security system.
The Consumer Protection Monitoring Office protects the rights of consumers using the financial and banking services of credit institutions, credit unions and credit intermediaries in consumer housing loans within its competence under law.
The Credit Institutions Resolution Office prepares and regularly updates resolution plans for all credit institutions that operate with head offices in the Republic of Croatia.
The Foreign Exchange Regulation Office drafts foreign exchange regulations and performs the tasks of licensing of authorised exchange offices.
The Succession Issues Coordination Office participates in the distribution of assets and liabilities of the former SFRY in accordance with Annex C of the Agreement on Succession Issues.
The Office for Coordination of Prudential Supervision, Oversight and Risk Management Activities coordinates cross-sectoral activities of the supervision and the horizontal functional units, develops supervisory and oversight methodologies, and provides support to the implementation and integration of regulations into supervisory processes in line with European supervisory practice in order to ensure the quality, enable the optimal process of regular supervisory decision-making and the smooth transition into the close cooperation mechanism.
The Compliance Office is responsible for promoting ethical behaviour of employees, providing education, advice, opinions, instructions and recommendations, prepares the policies and procedures governing Bank's ethical values, monitors the implementation of the Code of Ethics and identifies, assesses and monitors the risks related to money laundering and the financing of terrorism at the level of the Bank.
The Visitors’ Centre is the central bank’s education and information centre, which in the framework of its programmes enables the public to acquire and promote their knowledge on economic, monetary and financial concepts and mechanisms in general, and on central bank activities in particular. In this way, the CNB contributes to the strengthening of economic and financial literacy of citizens.