
Published: 11/12/2015 Modified: 12/3/2025
The Croatian National Bank devotes special attention to providing the fullest and most complete information possible to the domestic and international public on its goals, measures to attain them and the results of its activities. Through various information channels, the CNB provides regular and up-to-date information to the public on all important aspects of its actions.

A large number of citizens, enterprises, media representatives, government institutions, embassies and other entities make inquiries for information and data with the Croatian National Bank. Many secondary school pupils, students and domestic and foreign researchers inquire about professional literature. The information required concerns all CNB's areas of operation and it is available to all interested citizens and firms, with the exception of the information required to be kept as a business secret by the CNB pursuant to the Act on the Croatian National Bank, the Credit Institutions Act, the Official Statistics Act and other acts.

The Croatian National Bank consistently applies the provisions of the Law on the Right of Access to Information. In addition to direct provision of information, the information requested is provided by enabling the applicants to examine the relevant documents or by providing them with the copies of the documents containing the information requested, as well as in other ways, for example by referring the applicants to the source of the information.

The CNB commits effort to process information access requests in the shortest possible period, within the legally prescribed deadlines. The CNB collects no charges on the provision and submission of the information requested.

Following the adoption of especially important decisions on monetary policy and other central bank tasks, the CNB organises press conferences with journalists covering the finance and banking sector so as to provide them with detailed information on the changes made, enabling them to report them to the public as fully and clearly as possible.



Hrvatska narodna banka
Trg hrvatskih velikana 3
10000 Zagreb
Republic of Croatia
Telephone: + 385 1 45 64 555
Fax: + 385 1 46 10 551


The Croatian National Bank Mail Services Division (Pisarnica) is in Račkoga Street 3 and is open to the public on working days between 8.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.


Please send your enquiries about the issues within the competence of the Croatian National Bank to As before, we will be happy to respond to all such enquiries, with the exception of anonymous ones.


Please send your enquiries to


Requests for the organisation of educational visits to the Croatian National Bank may be submitted to or to phone number +385 1 45 64 576.


Moneterra, the Money Museum of the Croatian National Bank is located in Europski trg, Zagreb, at Augusta Cesarca 10, level -1 and is open every workday from 9:00 to 19:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00. The museum is closed on Sundays and national holidays. Guided group tours are organised daily, from 9:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. Please book your guided tour at least 14 days in advance using the form provided in the Moneterra’s website.

For more information on Moneterra, please contact us at or at + 385 1 4702 181.


In line with the Act on the Right of Access to Information (, Ms Dubravka Budak, Advisor in the External, Internal and Digital Communications Department, has been designated as information officer in the CNB. Requests for access to information – which must contain the name and seat of the public authority to which the request is submitted, data relevant for recognition of the requested information, the first and last name and the address of the natural person making the application, or the name of the company, i.e. the name of the legal person and its head office – can be sent to the designated email address. The CNB charges no fee for access to information and reuse of information.

  • Request for access to information
  • Request for supplementation or correction of information
  • Request for reuse of information


In accordance with the Act on the manner, conditions and procedure for the servicing and sale of claims, the Croatian National Bank will license the providers of the service of servicing non-performing loans and supervise the work of entities engaged in the activity of selling and servicing claims, which will also contribute to a better consumer protection.

Consumers can send a written complaint against a buyer of a loan or a provider of the service of servicing loans to the e-mail address or to the address

Office for the supervision of entities engaged in the sale of non-performing loans
Trg hrvatskih velikana 3
10000 ZAGREB

The Croatian National Bank protects the privacy of individuals whose personal data it processes in the course of performing its legally defined tasks.
Please forward your legitimate, fair and transparent requests, objections and proposals to the following e-address:
The Croatian National Bank will respond within the legally required time period.


A notification of a breach of relevant regulations is a notification made in good faith which indicates that a supervised entity, the Croatian National Bank or the European Central Bank have acted contrary to relevant regulations.

Relevant regulations refer to the Credit Institutions Act (Official Gazette 159/2013, 19/2015, 102/2015, 15/2018, 70/2019, 47/2020, 146/2020 and 151/2022), Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (OJ L 176, 27.6.2013) and subordinate legislation adopted under the aforementioned law and regulation, under regulations or decisions of the European Central Bank imposing obligations on supervised entities in relation to the European Central Bank or the Croatian National Bank or under other regulations governing the operations of supervised entities, where it is assessed that any action of supervised entity contrary to those regulations could imply breaches of prudential requirements (for example, information on the granting of loans contrary to prescribed rules and procedures, failure to identify connected persons, exceeding permissible exposure limits, inadequate provisions for litigation costs, etc.).

In accordance with the Credit Institutions Act, we have established a reliable mechanism of delivering notifications of breaches of relevant regulations, so that such notifications may be submitted to

In addition, notifications of breaches of relevant regulations may be sent by post to Hrvatska narodna banka, Trg hrvatskih velikana 3, 10002 Zagreb, with the indication: “Notification of a breach of relevant regulations”.

Thank you in advance for the information submitted. All information will be taken into consideration.

If the information submitted points to the competence of the Croatian National Bank in the area of supervision, we will determine whether the information is well-founded and take actions in accordance with our powers. If, based on the information you submitted, we determine that the issue falls within the competence of the European Central Bank, we will, without delay, forward the notification to the European Central Bank and report back to you in that regard.

We are obligated to treat the information submitted, as well as the information on any action taken, as confidential, and may only divulge such information in the cases referred to in Article 206 of the Credit Institutions Act. The information on the person submitting the notification on a breach of relevant regulations may be used by the Croatian National Bank only where required for the purpose of investigation in criminal proceedings or initiation of other court proceedings.

In handling notifications of breaches of relevant regulations, we process personal data in accordance with relevant regulations governing personal data protection. The purpose of processing personal data is to determine whether relevant regulations have been breached. For more information on personal data processing based on received notifications of breaches of relevant regulations, please see the notification on personal data processing in handling notifications of breaches of relevant regulations.

Please submit other notifications and queries unrelated to breaches of relevant regulations exclusively to We will reply to all notifications and queries in a timely manner.


In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act and the Ordinance on the method of appointing a confidential person and the internal whistleblowing procedure, the Croatian National Bank enables the protection of whistleblowers, which includes the provision of available and reliable means of reporting irregularities/breaches.

The term "Breaches" means acts or omissions that:

(i) are unlawful and relate to the Union acts and areas falling within the material scope referred to the Act; or  (ii) defeat the object or the purpose of the rules in the Union acts and areas falling within  the material scope referred to the Act;

"Reporting person" means a natural person who reports or publicly discloses information on breaches acquired in the context of his or her work-related activities;

"Work-related context" means current or past work activities in the public or private sector through which, irrespective of the nature of those activities, persons acquire information on breaches and within which those persons could suffer retaliation if they reported such information;

Reporting persons working in the private or public sector who acquired information on breaches in a work-related context including, at least, the following:

  • persons having the status of worker, including civil servants;
  • persons having self-employed status,
  • shareholders and persons belonging to the administrative, management or supervisory body of an undertaking, including non-executive members, as well as volunteers and paid or unpaid trainees;
  • any persons working under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers;
  • any other participation in the ‘Work-related context’ within a legal entity in the private or public sector

Internal reporting means the oral or written communication of information on breaches/irregularities through internal reporting channels to the employer at which the reporting person works;

By means of the Form for reporting irregularities a reporting person may submit an internal report on breaches/irregularieies to the employer's confidential person directly or by mail at the following e-mail address:

Oral reporting shall be possible by telephone or through other voice messaging systems, and, upon request by the reporting person, by means of a physical meeting within a reasonable timeframe.

A report of irregularities/breaches shall comprise:

  • the name of the Croatian National Bank as an employer at which the reporting person works;
  • the name of the organisational unit of the Croatian National Bank, if the reporting person works at the Croatian National Bank;
  • data on the reporting person (name and surname and personal identification number (OIB));
  • data on the person and/or persons to whom the report relates;
  • a short description of irregularities/breaches;
  • the date of report submission.

