The archive contains tables with discontinuous series of statistical data compiled in the past in accordance with a statistical methodology then in effect which is no longer applied. The first group of tables contains time series of monetary statistics data compiled in accordance with the old national methodology, which had been based on the methodology of the IMF's Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual, before the so-called ESA 1995/BPM5 methodology (European System of Accounts 1995/Balance of Payments Manual, 5th ed.) started to be applied, as well as time series of statistical tables pertaining to price statistics. The second group of tables contains time series of monetary statistics and external statistics data compiled in accordance with the ESA 1995/BPM5 methodology, which was in official use before the start of application of the so-called ESA 2010/BPM6 methodology (European System of Accounts 2010/Balance of Payments Manual, 6th ed.). The third set of tables includes indicators of credit institutions operations based on aggregate bank data. The fourth set of tables contains historical statistical data series which, until the reporting date of 31 December 2022 inclusive, were presented in the national currency kuna (HRK).
- Release calendar
- Statistical releases
- Indicators of banking system operations
- Main macroeconomic indicators
Statistical data
Financial sector
- Republic of Croatia contribution to euro area monetary aggregates
- Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
- Central bank (CNB)
- Other monetary financial institutions
- Other financial corporations
- General government sector
- External sector
- Financial accounts
- Securities
- Selected non-financial statistics
- Payment systems
- Payment services
- Currency
- Turnover of authorised exchange offices
- Archive
Financial sector
- Regulations
- Information for reporting entities
- Information for users of statistical data
- Use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes
- Statistical surveys
- Experimental statistics