The Croatian National Bank, in accordance with the Decision on the obligation to submit data on the payment system and electronic money and Decision on the obligation to submit data on payment statistics for the purposes of the European Central Bank collects, processes and publishes statistical data in the area of payment operations.
The Decision on the obligation to submit data on the payment system and electronic money was published in the Official Gazette 147/2013 and 16/2017 and entered into force on 1 January 2014. The Decision prescribes the reporting entities, the content, manner and time limits for reporting data on the payment system and electronic money. Under the Decision on the obligation to submit data on the payment system and electronic money, reporting entities include:
- credit institutions (banks) with registered offices in the RC;
- electronic money institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- payment institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of third-country credit institutions (or branches of banks) with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of third-country electronic money institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of credit institutions from other member states with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of electronic money institutions from other member states with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of payment institutions from other member states with registered offices in the RC;
- agents of payment service providers from other member states with registered offices in the RC, through which these payment service providers provide payment services in the RC, provided that these agents have been authorised to provide payment services;
- the Financial Agency; and
- infrastructure owners.
The reporting entities report to the Croatian National Bank in accordance with the Instruction on the method of collecting and compiling, and on the obligation to submit payment and electronic money statistics and the Instructions for the production and submission of the data file with payment system and electronic money statistics, which form an integral part of the Decision.
The Decision on the obligation to submit data on payment statistics for the purposes of the European Central Bank was published in the Official Gazette 150/2022 and entered into force on 1 January 2023. The Decision prescribes the reporting entities, the content of reporting, the first reporting period and the time limits for submission to the Croatian National Bank by the reporting entities payment statistics for the purposes of submitting these statistics to the European Central Bank. Under the Decision on the obligation to submit data on payment statistics for the purposes of the European Central Bank, reporting entities include:
- credit institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- electronic money institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- payment institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of third-country credit institutions (or branches of banks) with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of third-country electronic money institutions with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of credit institutions from other member states with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of electronic money institutions from other member states with registered offices in the RC;
- branches of payment institutions from other member states with registered offices in the RC;
- agents of payment service providers from other member states with registered offices in the RC, through which these payment service providers provide payment services in the RC, provided that these agents have been authorised to provide payment services; and
- the Financial Agency.
The content of the statistics submitted and the manner of reporting and submitting data are prescribed by the Instructions for the reporting of data on payment statistics, which are published on the official website of the Croatian National Bank in the section Core functions, sub-section Payment system – Regulations.