
Release calendar
This calendar contains planned releases of data of the Croatian National Bank, released data of the Croatian Bureau of Statistics and released data of the Ministry of Finance for 2015, depending on the...
Statistical releases
Statistical releases provide a summary of the most recent values and trends for the published statistical indicators series compiled by the Croatian National Bank.
Main macroeconomic indicators
Main macroeconomic indicators are a brief and clear table overview of key annual macroeconomic indicators of the Croatian economy over a longer period.
Statistical data
The Croatian National Bank (CNB) is one of the institutions designated as a producer of official statistics of the Republic of Croatia. The scope of activity of the CNB's statistics function covers the...
The SDDS was established by the IMF to guide member countries to apply the basic principles in the provision of their economic and financial statistical data to the public.
In preparing the statistics from the field of activity of the Croatian National Bank, compilers adhere to the relevant legal provisions of EU and national legislation.
Information for reporting entities
This section contains information for reporting entities for the collection of data, depending on the type of statistics.
Information for users of statistical data
Information for users of statistical data published by the Croatian National Bank includes data revisions, alignment with EU standards and other useful information.
Use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes
This section contains information on use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes.
Statistical surveys
This section contains information about Statistical Surveys conducted by Croatian National Bank, Statistics Area.
Experimental statistics
Experimental statistics are official statistics that are still in the testing phase and have therefore not yet been fully developed or fully defined methodologically, while its production methods are s...