Experimental statistics are official statistics that are still in the testing phase and have therefore not yet been fully developed or fully defined methodologically, while its production methods are still subject to change or further evaluation. Experimental statistics use all the available existing and new sources of data by applying new methods of data production and connection. The data used do not necessarily meet quality requirements for official statistics in terms of accuracy, reliability, timeliness, coherence or comparability. Experimental statistics are published with the aim of offering data that, despite certain limitations, may be relevant for certain users. Users should be aware of the fact that experimental statistics have a potentially higher degree of uncertainty and are subject to potential changes following user feedback on their usefulness and credibility.
- About us
Core functions
- Monetary policy
- Financial assets management
- Financial stability
- Supervision
- Resolution
- Payment system
- International relations
- Currency
- Release calendar
- Statistical releases
- Indicators of banking system operations
- Main macroeconomic indicators
Statistical data
Financial sector
- Republic of Croatia contribution to euro area monetary aggregates
- Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs
- Central bank (CNB)
- Other monetary financial institutions
- Other financial corporations
- General government sector
- External sector
- Financial accounts
- Securities
- Selected non-financial statistics
- Payment systems
- Payment services
- Currency
- Turnover of authorised exchange offices
- Archive
Financial sector
- Regulations
- Information for reporting entities
- Information for users of statistical data
- Use of confidential statistical data of the CNB for scientific purposes
- Statistical surveys
- Experimental statistics
- Analyses and publications
- Public Relations