
Risk ECB Undershoots Inflation Not High – Vujčić

Governor Boris Vujčić spoke with MNI journalist Luke Heighton. The interview was published on October 9, 2024

10. 2024.

Governor Vujčić's interview for Bloomberg

Governor Boris Vujčić spoke with Bloomberg journalists Jasmina Kuzmanović and Alexander Weber. The interview was published on November 11, 2023.

11. 2023.

Interview of Governor Boris Vujčić for CNBC International TV

Governor Boris Vujčić participated in the Marrakesh Economic Festival on October 12, 2023 and gave an interview to CNBC International TV.

10. 2023.

ECB Needs Patience Before Declaring Inflation Win, Vujcic Says

Governor Boris Vujčić spoke with Bloomberg´s journalists Jana Randow and Alexander Weber. The interview was published on October 11, 2023.

10. 2023.

Governor Boris Vujčić for Global Finance Magazine: Adopting the Euro

Governor Boris Vujčić talks about adopting the Euro and the role of the ECB in Croatia’s economy.

9. 2023.

Governor Vujčić for Reuters Global Markets Forum

European Central Bank Governing Council member and Croatian central bank Governor Boris Vujčić gave an interview to the Reuters Global Markets Forum.

9. 2023.

Interview with Governor Boris Vujčić at The Global Borrowers & Bond Investors 2023 Forum

Governor Boris Vujčić took part at the panel "Central Banks: Managing the Current Crisis and Looking to the Future" on 20 June 2023 in London and gave a statement to Euromoney Conferences

7. 2023.

Governor Vujčić for Reuters

The following is the text of a Reuters interview with European Central Bank Governing Council member and Croatian central bank Governor Boris Vujčić.

2. 2023.

BN - ECB’s Newest Governor Warns of Danger From Inflation ‘Disease’

Governor Boris Vujčić spoke with Bloomberg´s journalists Alexander Weber and Jasmina Kuzmanović. The interview was published on September 26, 2022.

9. 2022.

How reserves managers adapted to Covid-19

Sandra Švaljek, zamjenica guvernera Hrvatske narodne banke, razgovarala je s Danae Kyriakopoulou, glavnom ekonomisticom i direktoricom istraživanja Službenog foruma monetarnih i financijskih institucija (Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, OMFIF) za izvješće Global Public Investor 2021. Teme razgovora bile su iskustva središnje banke u koronakrizi, stabilizacija tečaja i suradnja s Europskom središnjom bankom u vezi s uspostavom linije za valutni ugovor o razmjeni. U ovom je članku prikazan dio cijelog razgovora, koji će biti objavljen u lipnju.

5. 2021.
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