Euro foreign exchange reference rates

Croatian National Bank exchange rates - ECB reference rates

Country Currency Label Code Rate
Australia Australian dollar AUD 036 1.6547
Bulgaria Bulgarian lev BGN 975 1.9558
Brazil Brazilian real BRL 986 6.0127
Canada Canadian dollar CAD 124 1.4865
Switzerland Swiss franc CHF 756 0.9385
China Yuan renminbi CNY 156 7.5511
Czech Republic Czech koruna CZK 203 25.139
Denmark Danish krone DKK 208 7.4596
Great Britain Pound sterling GBP 826 0.83688
Hong Kong Hong kong dollar HKD 344 8.0668
Hungary Forint HUF 348 406.10
Indonesia Rupiah IDR 360 16943.78
Israel New israeli sheqel ILS 376 3.6892
India Indian rupee INR 356 90.7600
Iceland Iceland krona ISK 352 146.60
Japan Yen JPY 392 157.95
Korea, Republic Of Won KRW 410 1502.98
Mexico Mexican peso MXN 484 21.3713
Malaysia Malaysian ringgit MYR 458 4.5947
Norway Norwegian krone NOK 578 11.6585
New Zealand New zealand dollar NZD 554 1.8317
Philippines Philippine peso PHP 608 60.202
Poland Zloty PLN 985 4.2065
Romania Romanian leu RON 946 4.9767
Sweden Swedish krona SEK 752 11.3210
Singapore Singapore dollar SGD 702 1.4027
Thailand Baht THB 764 35.0530
Turkiye Turkish lira TRY 949 37.1866
USA Us dollar USD 840 1.0360
South Africa Rand ZAR 710 19.2822


the exchange rates are “provided for information purposes only and are not intended to be used in any market transactions, whether directly or indirectly (as an underlying benchmark)”.
Source: European central bank

The ECB reference rates are published on all business days of the TARGET payment system and are not published on the closing days of the TARGET payment system, which include Saturdays and Sundays, 1 January, Good Friday, Easter Monday, 1 May, 25 December and 26 December.