Press releases

What is inflation?

Date 15/6/2021

CNB Council: Accelerated economic recovery in first quarter of 2021

Date 9/6/2021

Prigodni optjecajni kovani novac od 25 kuna

Date 13/5/1997

Commission for the Selection of Design Proposals for the national side of euro coins holds a meeting

Date 1/6/2021

Comments on monetary developments for April 2021

Date 31/5/2021

Changes in other monetary financial institutions' statistics: disclosure of data on loans to non-financial corporations as broken down by size

Date 31/5/2021

Credit institutions’ interest rate statistics for April 2021

Date 31/5/2021

Comments on banking system developments in the first quarter of 2021

Date 31/5/2021

CNB Council: Approval for appointments of Zagrebačka banka Management Board Members

Date 26/5/2021

A Tribute to Oleh Havrylyshyn

Date 14/5/2021

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