Press releases

Comments on monetary developments for January 2021

Date 26/2/2021

Depoziti građana porasli za 13,8 milijardi kuna u odnosu na prvi mjesec 2020.

Table B1 – Consolidated balance sheet of MFIs

Date 26/2/2021

Tables B2 and D1-D12 – Consolidated balance sheet of OMFIs

Date 26/2/2021

Predsjednik Odbora nadzornika ESB-a o ulasku Hrvatske u blisku suradnju s Europskom središnjom bankom

Pristupanje Hrvatske europodručju i ekonomska politika tijekom pandemije

Cooperation with the Single Resolution Board strengthened

Date 10/2/2021

ECB extends the euro liquidity line with the CNB

Date 4/2/2021

CNB Council: Degree of expansionary monetary policy

Date 3/2/2021

Comments on monetary developments for December 2020

Date 29/1/2021

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