Please be notified that as of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will begin to apply with the aim of increasing the level of protection with regard to personal data of individuals. In order to protect your personal data, we are updating the database of subscribers to notifications by the Croatian National Bank.
If you would like to receive information regarding notifications made by the Croatian National Bank, we kindly ask you to complete the provided form after selecting the relevant categories.
By completing the form, you are granting the Croatian National Bank consent to use the personal data entered into the form for the purpose of receiving notifications you subscribed to. Furthermore, you confirm that you are aware of your right to withdraw that consent at any moment by unsubscribing. The cancellation of your subscription does not imply that, prior to unsubscribing, the CNB mishandled your personal data by sending you notifications you had subscribed to.
For more information, please refer to Personal data protection at the Croatian National Bank.