Annual Report on Sanctioning Activities in the Single Supervisory Mechanism

Published: 2/9/2022 Modified: 10/6/2024
Every year, the European Central Bank publishes a report on sanctioning activities carried out by the European Central Bank and the national competent authorities participating in the Single Supervisory Mechanism in relation to breaches of prudential requirements.

The activities covered in the report include sanctioning proceedings conducted by competent authorities within the scope of their respective powers for breaches of prudential requirements by supervised entities, i.e. legal or natural persons falling under the scope of prudential supervision in the context of the Single Supervisory Mechanism. The data in question are presented in aggregate for the whole Single Supervisory Mechanism without an overview of the data related to individual competent authorities. The report is published in English.


Annual Report on Sanctioning Activities in the SSM in 2023



Annual Report on Sanctioning Activities in the SSM in 2022



Annual Report on Sanctioning Activities in the SSM in 2021