Rijeka hosted today the Regional Governors’ Meeting organised by the Croatian National Bank. In cooperation with the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka, governors took part in a round table discussion on the following topic: “Caught in a Whirlwind: Monetary Policies and Small Open Economies in the Face of Great Inflation”.
The panelists – Governor of the Croatian National Bank Boris Vujčić, Governor of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia Anita Angelovska Bežoska, Governor of the Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina Senad Softić, Governor of the Bank of Slovenia Boštjan Vasle, Governor of the Central Bank of Montenegro Radoje Žugić and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business in Rijeka Saša Drezgić – discussed the current topics and monetary policies of central banks in the region.
In the context of their countries, the governors discussed the path of monetary policy amid growing inflation and the room for manoeuvre available to central banks from small open economies in case of global inflationary shocks. Panelists also discussed the impact of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank and the transmission of rising interest rates to interest rates in non-euro area countries, while the Governor of the Croatian National Bank and the Governor of the Bank of Slovenia shared their experience in joining the euro area and the euro changeover process.
Following the panel discussion, governors responded to questions posed by students and entrepreneurs participating in the meeting.
Welcome address and introductory statement were given by Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Saša Drezgić and CNB’s Chief Economist Vedran Šošić.