
Published: 31/1/2015

Surveys are occasional publications of the Croatian National Bank in which scholarly papers of the Bank's employees and associate contributors are published.

The first issue of the Croatian National Bank Surveys (S-1) was published in March 2000.

Introducing Policy Analysis Croatian MAcroecoNometric Model (PACMAN)

Publication Surveys
Date February 2021
Issue S-41
Author Ozana Nadoveza Jelić, Rafael Ravnik

Digitalizacija – rezultati ankete hrvatskih banaka u 2019.

Publication Surveys
Date December 2020
Issue P-48
Author Slaven Smojver, Ivana Jolić

Return on foreign investments in Croatia and peer countries

Publication Surveys
Date May 2020
Issue S-40
Author Andrijana Ćudina

Twentieth anniversary of the euro: why are some countries still not willing to join? Economists’ view

Publication Surveys
Date March 2020
Issue S-39
Author Milan Deskar-Škrbić, Davor Kunovac

International Reserves, Exchange Rate Differences and the CNB’s Financial Result

Publication Surveys
Date January 2020
Issue S-38
Author Igor Ljubaj

Residential Property Prices in Croatia

Publication Surveys
Date September 2019
Issue S-37
Authors Davor Kunovac and Karlo Kotarac

Banking Distress in Europe in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis – the Role of Capital Flows

Publication Surveys
Date June 2019
Issue S-36
Author Mislav Brkić

Characteristics of Croatian Manufacturing Exporters and the Export Recovery during the Great Recession – the CompNet Trade Module Research Results

Publication Surveys
Date September 2018
Issue S-35
Author Miljana Valdec, Jurica Zrnc

Quarterly Projection Model for Croatia

Publication Surveys
Date September 2018
Issue S-34
Author Nikola Bokan, Rafael Ravnik

Seasonal Adjustment of Time Series and Calendar Influence on Economic Activity

Publication Surveys
Date March 2018
Issue S-33
Author Ante Čobanov

Croatia in Global Value Chains

Publication Surveys
Date February 2018
Issue S-32
Author Ivana Vidaković Peruško, Katarina Kovač, Miroslav Jošić

Persistence of Euroisation in Croatia

Publication Surveys
Date February 2018
Issue S-31
Authors Mirna Dumičić, Igor Ljubaj and Ana Martinis

Is the Euro the Optimum Currency for Croatia: An Assessment Using the Optimum Currency Area Theory

Publication Surveys
Date January 2018
Issue S-30
Authors Mislav Brkić and Ana Šabić

Estimating Potential Growth and Output Gap in Croatia

Publication Surveys
Date November 2017
Issue S-29
Author Goran Jovičić

Can the Adoption of the Euro in Croatia Reduce the Cost of Borrowing?

Publication Surveys
Date November 2017
Issue S-28
Authors Davor Kunovac and Nina Pavić
— 15 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 15 of 54 results.