Dimitar Radev, Boris Vujčić, Aleš Michl
“Today’s meeting focused on the experience Croatia gained during preparations for the entry to the euro area. We exchanged experience on the decision-making process regarding the entry to the euro area, the reasons for deciding on entering and the process of joining the euro area. Also discussed were our operational arrangements for the euro started back in the summer of 2020 at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. A special accent was on resilience and the shield that the euro provides to Croatia under the circumstances of uncertainty and insecurity. Naturally, each of the countries has its own specific economic and financial structure. This meeting was organised with a view to exchanging the experience that could enable the participating countries to better prepare for the entry to the euro area. It was my great pleasure to have been able to share Croatia's success story about transitioning to the euro, which celebrates the 25th anniversary this year, with colleagues and delegations from the Czech and Bulgarian central banks and to reaffirm the advantages of euro area membership”, concluded the CNB Governor Boris Vujčić at the end of the working meeting in Rijeka with the Governor of the central bank of the Czech Republic, Aleš Michl and the Governor of the central bank of Bulgaria, Dimitar Radev. The discussion also included current challenges for central banks.