What is electronic money?

Published: 5/11/2018
Electronic money means electronically or magnetically stored monetary value

Electronic money means electronically, including magnetically, stored monetary value representing a claim on the issuer, which is issued upon receipt of funds for making payment transactions in terms of the law governing payment transactions, and which is accepted by a natural or legal person other than the electronic money issuer.

Prepaid cards (gift cards) are an example of electronic money. They are issued by banks and card issuers and may be used in a wide range of stores. They are often used by consumers for Internet purchase payments.

An error occurred while processing the template.
Failed to "?eval" string with this error:

Syntax error in ?eval-ed string in line 1, column 2:
Encountered ")", but was expecting one of these patterns:

The failing expression:
==> getField(article, 'najava_slika')?eval  [in template "20155#20195#2580503" at line 27, column 41]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign najava_slika = getField(artic...  [in template "20155#20195#2580503" at line 27, column 17]
1<#-- TEMPLATE KEY : 2580502 --> 
2<#-- TEMPLATE NAME:  HNB Article List (image - bez svih datuma) --> 
3<#assign dLFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")> 
4<#include "${templatesPath}/ADT-FUNCTIONS" /> 
6<div class="article-module article white "> 
8    <h2 class="article-title">${getPageTitle()}</h2> 
10    <#if entries?has_content> 
12        <#list entries as curEntry> 
14            <#assign assetRenderer = curEntry.getAssetRenderer() /> 
15            <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, curEntry) /> 
16            <#assign contextUrl = assetRenderer.getURLViewInContext(renderRequest, renderResponse, viewURL) /> 
18            <#if assetRenderer.getClassName()  == "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle"> 
19                <#assign article = assetRenderer.getArticle() /> 
20                <#assign sazetak = getField(article, "sazetak") /> 
21                <#assign slika = article.getSmallImageURL() /> 
23                <#if getField(article, "slika")?has_content > 
24                    <#assign slika = getField(article, "slika") /> 
25                </#if> 
27                <#assign najava_slika = getField(article, 'najava_slika')?eval /> 
28                <#if najava_slika?has_content> 
29                    <#assign slikaUrl = "/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=" + najava_slika.uuid + "&groupId=" + najava_slika.groupId /> 
30                    <#assign image = dLFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(najava_slika.uuid, groupId) /> 
31                    <#assign localeSuffix = locale[0..1]?upper_case> 
32                    <#assign atribucije = getImageAttribution(image.getDDMFormValuesMap(image.getFileVersion().getFileVersionId()) , localeSuffix)> 
33                </#if> 
35            </#if> 
37            <article class="entry-container hf170"> 
38                <a href="${contextUrl}"> 
39                    <#if najava_slika?has_content> 
40                        <div class="image-container"> 
41                            <img class="desaturate" title="${atribucije}" src="${slikaUrl}" alt="article"/> 
42                        </div> 
43                    </#if> 
44                    <div class="article-linebanner"> 
45                        <h4 class="title">${curEntry.getTitle(locale)}</h4> 
46                        <!--h5 class="attributes"--> 
47                        <!--span>${languageUtil.get(locale,"templates.article.publishDate")}: ${getDisplayDate(article)}</span--> 
48                        <#-- ovo smo maknuli da nema datuma #if articleType?has_content && articleType != "general"> 
49                            <span>&nbsp;${languageUtil.get(locale,"templates.categoryType."+article.getType())},</span> 
50                        </#if> 
51                        <#list filterAndOrderCategories(curEntry.getCategories()) as category> 
52                            <span>${category.getTitleCurrentValue()}</span> 
53                        </#list--> 
54                        <!--/h5--> 
55                        <#if sazetak?has_content && sazetak?trim?has_content> 
56                            <h5>${sazetak}</h5> 
57                        </#if> 
58                    </div> 
59                </a> 
60            </article> 
61        </#list> 
62    </#if> 