Responding to the invitation of the Croatian National Bank to deputy clubs of the Croatian Parliament, on 4 December Governor Boris Vujčić and the CNB management met with the Deputy Club of the Homeland Movement at the premises of the Croatian National Bank. The purpose of the meeting was to provide more in-depth information to deputies about the accession of the Republic of Croatia to euro area in the context of the structure and the level of development of the Croatian economy. The CNB Governor and management held an open discussion with the deputies to exchange opinions on the benefits and costs of the entry of Croatia in the euro area.
On the side of the Deputy Club of the Homeland Movement the meeting was attended by Zlatko Hasanbegović (Deputy Chairperson of the Club) and Vesna Vučemilović (member of the Club), as well as the members of the Homeland Movement Ante Rončević and Igor Peternel. The participants from the Croatian National Bank were Governor Boris Vujčić, Deputy Governor Sandra Švaljek, Vicegovernors Martina Drvar, Ivana Jakir-Bajo, Michael Faulend, Bojan Fras and Roman Šubić, as well as Chief Operating Officer Tomislav Presečan and Chief Economist Vedran Šošić.
The Croatian National Bank will continue to organise meetings with the deputy clubs of the Croatian Parliament with the aim of continuing and broadening the mutual exchange of information and dialogue between the Croatian Parliament and the central bank.