Numismatic Set of Commemorative Kuna and Lipa Circulation Coins, Issues 1994-1996

Numismatic Set of Commemorative Kuna and Lipa Circulation Coins, Issues 1994-1996

Published: 16/10/1996


In the period from 1994 to 1996, the Croatian National Bank released into circulation five different issues of commemorative circulation coins, comprising nine current denominations, which were combined in a numismatic set.

Shown in the table below are the number of items issued and packaging.

Numismatic set of commemorative kuna and lipa circulation coins, issues 1994 ‒ 1996
Released for sale 16 October 1996
Special occasions marked denominations and minting years Special occasions marked Denomination Minting year
500th Anniversary of the Printing of the Senj Glagolitic Missal 5 kuna 1994
FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2 kuna, 20 lipa, 1 lipa 1995
UNO, United Nations Organization 10 lipa 1995
XXVI Olympic Games - Atlanta 1996 1 kuna, 5 lipa, 2 lipa 1996
European Football Championship - England 1996 50 lipa 1996
Minting technique brilliant uncirculated condition
Items issued 5,000

The Decision on the issue of numismatic sets of commemorative circulation kuna and lipa coins of the Republic of Croatia was published in the Official Gazette No. 87/1996.

The reverses of all denominations in the set are identical to those of regular circulation coins. The obverses are different, as each denomination features a motif related to the occasion being marked. The exception is the 5 kuna coin, with both the obverse and reverse showing motifs related to the occasion being marked.

The design of 2 and 1 kuna coins and of 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lipa coins in the set is by the sculptor Kuzma Kovačić.

The design of the 5 kuna coin is by the sculptor Damir Mataušić.

The numismatic coin sets were minted by the Croatian Mint.