nn implementation: repeatable no, type: string
najava_sazetak implementation: repeatable no, type: string
nn_npt implementation: repeatable no, type: string
youreurope implementation: repeatable no, type: boolean
link implementation: repeatable no, type: string
aktualno implementation: repeatable no, type: boolean
kategorija implementation: repeatable no, type: string
podvrsta implementation: repeatable no, type: string
vrsta implementation: repeatable no, type: string
dokument implementation: repeatable no, type: document-library
prilog_tehnicki implementation: repeatable yes, type: document-library
poz_istaknuto implementation: repeatable no, type: double
vrijeme_azuriranja implementation: repeatable no, type: string
napomena implementation: repeatable no, type: string
poz_aktualno implementation: repeatable no, type: double
najava_slika implementation: repeatable no, type: document-library
datum_objave implementation: repeatable no, type: date
najava_rubrika implementation: repeatable no, type: string
prilog implementation: repeatable yes, type: document-library
najava_naslov implementation: repeatable no, type: string
godina implementation: repeatable no, type: string
podrucje implementation: repeatable no, type: string
nesluzbeni_procisceni_tekst implementation: repeatable no, type: document-library
datum_azuriranja implementation: repeatable no, type: date
donositelj implementation: repeatable no, type: string

Decision on the conditions and the manner in which authorised currency exchange offices conduct currency exchange transactions

Published: 21/2/2007 Modified: 19/9/2020

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