nn implementation: repeatable no, type: string
najava_sazetak implementation: repeatable no, type: string
nn_npt implementation: repeatable no, type: string
youreurope implementation: repeatable no, type: boolean
link implementation: repeatable no, type: string
aktualno implementation: repeatable no, type: boolean
kategorija implementation: repeatable no, type: string
podvrsta implementation: repeatable no, type: string
vrsta implementation: repeatable no, type: string
dokument implementation: repeatable no, type: document-library
prilog_tehnicki implementation: repeatable yes, type: document-library
poz_istaknuto implementation: repeatable no, type: double
vrijeme_azuriranja implementation: repeatable no, type: string
napomena implementation: repeatable no, type: string
poz_aktualno implementation: repeatable no, type: double
najava_slika implementation: repeatable no, type: document-library
datum_objave implementation: repeatable no, type: date
najava_rubrika implementation: repeatable no, type: string
prilog implementation: repeatable yes, type: document-library
najava_naslov implementation: repeatable no, type: string
godina implementation: repeatable no, type: string
podrucje implementation: repeatable no, type: string
nesluzbeni_procisceni_tekst implementation: repeatable no, type: document-library
datum_azuriranja implementation: repeatable no, type: date
donositelj implementation: repeatable no, type: string
2014/403/EU: Commission Implementing Decision of 26 June 2014 on granting derogations to Member States with respect to the transmission of statistics pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union (notified under document C(2014) 4164) Text with EEA relevance